Manuals » Oxford Houses of Virginia

oxford house rules and regulations

At AAC, we offer trained and Alcoholics Anonymous compassionate admissions navigators that can help answer questions about treatment and recovery. Plus, some of our treatment facilities—such as the Desert Hope Treatment Center in Las Vegas and Greenhouse Treatment Center near Dallas/Fort Worth—include sober living environments. An Oxford House Chapter is an additional level of support for individual Oxford Houses. Chapters are important links in making the democratic system of organization underlying Oxford House™ work. The Chapter is the place where all the members of the Oxford House family of individual houses help each other to stay on track and to remain effective. The Chapter is also the place where individuals expand their network of sober friends as Chapters host all kinds of social events that bring their community together.

Tradition IX

The alcoholic or drug addict alone begins to compare himself to those members of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous who still have family and friends. Loneliness and self-pity soon lead such individuals back to alcoholic drinking or drug use. With Oxford House there is no need for a recovering individual to live in an environment dominated by loneliness. At the Oxford House World Convention held annually, Oxford Houses throughout the country vote for representatives to the World Council.

  • This structure encourages personal growth, responsibility, and accountability, ultimately promoting a strong support network and a sense of community.
  • The World Council is made up of both alumni and residents of Oxford Houses who are elected by their peers.
  • Third, an Oxford House must, in essence be a good member of the community by obeying the laws and paying its bills.
  • Some are able to keep from drinking in spite of the loneliness with which they were faced.

Tradition III

Other members were asked to leave half-way houses in order to make room for a recovering alcoholic or recovering drug addict who was ready to move into a half-way house. All too often, an abrupt transition from a protected environment to an environment which places considerable glamour on the use of alcohol and drugs causes a return to alcoholic drinking or addictive drug use. During our drinking and drug use years, and even before, many of us found it difficult to accept authority. Many individuals in society are able to abide by the strict letter of any rule, regulation , or law. Alcoholics and drug addicts seem to have a tendency to test and retest the validity of any real, potential, or imagined restriction on their behavior. Many individuals who have lived in an Oxford House find the experience to be invaluable to their recovery journey.

oxford house rules and regulations

Forms and Manuals

Residents appreciate the peer-supported communal living, self-governance, and self-help aspects of the Oxford House model. These factors allow them to support each other in their efforts to abstain from alcohol and substance use. By the time many of us had stopped drinking, we had lost jobs; we had lost families, and some of us either had no place to live or no place to live which was not an invitation to start drinking again. Oxford House was founded not only to put a roof over our head, but also to create a home where the disease of alcoholism was understood and the need for the alcoholic to stay away from the first drink was emphasized. The bond that holds the group together is the desire to stop drinking and stay stopped. Modest rooms and living facilities can become luxurious suites when viewed from an environment of alcoholics working together for comfortable sobriety.

What is the Model?

It also acts as the coordinating body to help individual houses to organize mutually supportive chapters. Through chapters individual houses are able to share their experience, strength and hope with each other to assure compliance with the Oxford House concept and its respected standardized system of operations. Halfway houses are typically state or federally funded, and residents must adhere to strict rules and regulations.

Why Do People Choose to Live in an Oxford House?

oxford house rules and regulations

In contrast, Oxford Houses are self-run with democratically-established rules by the residents themselves, and they are self-supported through the residents’ pooled finances. Oxford House, Inc. is a separate nonprofit organization that provides oxford house support and training to the network of houses to help expand the Oxford House Model. More than 80 percent of Oxford House residents remain clean and sober for the long term even though many of them come from backgrounds that have included lengthy alcohol and drug use, periods of homelessness, and incarceration. Nearly all members of Oxford House utilize the AA and/or NA program in order to obtain and keep a comfortable sobriety. However, an Oxford House relies primarily upon example for assuring a high percentage of AA and/or NA attendance from its members.

oxford house rules and regulations

Oxford House facilities maintain a consistent model across locations, focused on peer support as an essential component of recovery. Oxford Houses are primarily for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. The general criteria to live in an Oxford House include the resident’s commitment to sobriety, their willingness to contribute to the house’s general upkeep, and their ability to pay their portion of the house’s expenses. Residents should also be prepared to participate in the democratic decision-making processes within the house.

  • The only members who will ever be asked to leave an Oxford House are those who return to drinking, using drugs, or have disruptive behavior, including the nonpayment of rent.
  • Many of us soon learned, however, that living alone or living among our old drinking companions made it more difficult to practice the principles necessary for continued sobriety.
  • This principle contrasts sharply with the principle of providing the alcoholic or drug addict with assistance for a limited time period in order to make room for a more recently recovering alcoholic or drug addict.
  • The situation should be avoided whereby certain individuals will begin to equate their persuasive qualities with the Oxford House concept.
  • Oxford House members share the house responsibilities and pitch in to do the chores.
  • Before spreading the word, an individual Oxford House should make certain that it is sufficiently established to undertake public discussion of it goals and mission.
  • When we stopped drinking, we began to realize that in order to stay stopped, our lives would need to change.

Third, an Oxford House must, in essence be a good member of the community by obeying the laws and paying its bills. These testimonials highlight the positive impact that Oxford Houses can have on individuals in the early stages of recovery from substance addiction. With thousands of houses across the United States and other countries, Oxford Houses continue to provide a vital support system for those committed to maintaining their sobriety.

House Traditions

oxford house rules and regulations

The combination of a structured living environment, mutual support, accountability, and access to resources has proven effective in helping residents achieve lasting sobriety and stability. Oxford House, Inc. is a separate nonprofit organization that employs field staff to provide technical assistance to the network of houses to help expand the Oxford House Model. The charter of each Oxford House requires that an Oxford House meet certain minimum requirements of Oxford House, Inc. First of all, no Oxford House may permit individuals to remain as members if those individuals are drinking or using drugs. Second, an Oxford House must follow the democratic principles in running the house.

  • Many individuals who have lived in an Oxford House find the experience to be invaluable to their recovery journey.
  • For example, the landlord and phone company may require a security deposit and, while furnishings are generally donated, members will often have to rent a truck in order to pick them up.
  • The best sales pitch for spreading the word about Oxford House is simply the establishment of a sound Oxford House and a straightforward discussion of what it is, how it works and why it is needed.
  • This section will compare Oxford House facilities with other common types of recovery facilities, such as halfway houses and sober living homes.
  • More than 80 percent of Oxford House residents remain clean and sober for the long term even though many of them come from backgrounds that have included lengthy alcohol and drug use, periods of homelessness, and incarceration.
  • Oxford House facilities maintain a consistent model across locations, focused on peer support as an essential component of recovery.

Once accepted, an Oxford House member can stay as long as they like, provided they stay drug and alcohol free, are not disruptive, and pay their share of house expenses. An Oxford House member can stay as long as they like, provided they stay drug and alcohol free, are not disruptive, and pay their share of house expenses. Those who have benefited from an Oxford House have acquired enthusiasm for the Oxford House concept. In their enthusiasm, they have been anxious to share Oxford House with any recovering alcoholics and drug addicts who want to establish an Oxford House in their community. Some of us had lived for a time in alcoholic and drug rehabilitation facilities.

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